Should jurors be
professionally trained?
When psychiatrists, people who shamelessly pretend to be
“capable to visualize” what goes on in someone’s head were originally accepted
as defense witnesses the following, unwritten, but then generally accepted
moral law was brutally thrown out the courtroom windows. What I’m writing about
went like this: “No adult person should be permitted to pretend to have lost
the control of his or her mind because of the use of liquor, drugs, any other
cerebral altering substance or the influence of another person. An adult should
always remain in full control of his or her actions at all times.” The
preceding sounded good and fair to me and most people then and it still sounds the
same today. I don’t feel that this is asking too much of anyone.
Psychiatrists who pretend that they are capable of knowing
as to what goes on in someone’s mind, but who probably wouldn’t be able to find
the pile of manure behind the barn, are in my opinion, full of shit. The person
sitting in front of them doesn’t have to be a brain surgeon in other to fool
those idiots. One good, solid, never altered story will make any of those guys
look like the idiots that they really are and a person will literally be able
Because insanity is such a deeply rooted state of mental
disorder and disability, it should be impossible for a person to be allowed to
plead temporary insanity in any court of law but some do and those pleas are
unfortunately accepted by the judges sitting in our courts and, very sadly,
considered by inexperienced and sometimes very gullible members of juries. A
person can’t honestly claim to be insane for thirty or sixty minutes any more
than a woman can claim to be pregnant for thirty or sixty minutes. You are or
you aren’t. It’s as simple as this.
The above brings me right back to my argument that members
of juries should be professionally trained in order to render honest, reflected
and deeply considered verdicts amongst the choices offered by the judge. As
things stand right now some potential jurors are simply not intellectually or
mentally equipped and prepared in order to be in a position to properly deal
with very shrewd and very experienced defense lawyers.
However, we all know that the source of the problem isn’t
the fact that, in general, people who are selected as jurors lack a lot of
experience and knowledge that should be the property of such people. The real
impairment of the justice system resides in the fact that our courts will
accept the witnessing of psychiatrists who pretend that they can see what goes
on in a person’s head when it’s quite easy for anyone to understand that if a
person decides to fool those guys, it’s the easiest thing in the world. So keep
on dreaming world because the justice system won’t be changed in the near or
any future. Too bad!
What do you think?
N.B. As I’ve mentioned at the
beginning, it might not be a bad idea to read last month’s article titled:
“Temporary insanity, my ass” in order to understand my frustrations concerning
the subject.
© 2011 Jean-Paul Gosselin
Whether you agree with or have an
objection to my blog, leave a comment. I’m open to favorable or unfavorable
criticism and what you write might enlighten other readers or myself. Thank
you. © 2011 Jean-Paul Gosselin
Take this with you.
Maria is a devout Catholic. (No condoms for her!) She gets married and has 17 children...and then her husband dies. She remarries two weeks later...and has 22 children by her second husband. She dies.
At her wake, the priest looks tenderly at Maria as she lies in her coffin, looks up to the heavens, and says, "At last...they're finally together." A man standing next to him asks, "Excuse me, Father, but do you mean her and her FIRST husband, or her and her SECOND husband?"
"No," the priest says politely, "I mean her LEGS."
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