A man created god.
A. Yes way.
Their way of living was much comparable to ours. A daily
routine existed and they had their drunks and thieves and lazy members of
society as we do. There were small businesses at the village market that only
required the work of their owner in order to function properly and there were
larger ones such as wine and beer making, animal hide tanning, olive growing
and olive oil extracting that had to hire workers in order to reach success.
There were intelligent and resourceful businessmen present
in every day life but were there super, extraordinary businessmen among them
capable of foreseeing the potentially “highly successful” results of their
endeavors? I’m talking here about remarkable men comparable to Bill Gates or Steve
Jobs, men who had the skills to forge the manner in which people think and
behave and who were capable of enough foresight and displayed the required
skills to develop a business to the point were it would become recognized and
considered as a super business. The answer to my question is yes; one.
There was, in that area, at that particular time, one man
who was able to recognize that the population, in general, needed to have
something or someone to hang on to in order to function properly in its daily
life. That same population also believed in some sort of after life and could
not imagine that after one dies that it’s all over for him. That same guy also
noticed that not only rich men were willing and ready to sacrifice an animal to
some god of their choice but that the poorest of people were doing the same
thing as well, although it only might have been a chicken and that the
sacrifice of that animal meant that their children would go without food for a
day or two. His conclusion was that all walks of life wanted to believe and
were ready and happy to give, no matter as to what their financial status
It was at that moment that a light came on in his head and
that he decided to invent one, single, imaginary god whom he credited with the
creation of the earth and humanity, and whom you could join and live with, for
eternity, in your afterlife. Wasn’t that enough to make everybody happy? You
bet it was! He developed his idea, established rules of living for his future
followers and that there should be a member contribution towards his movement
and hit the road carrying his soapbox under his arm. And bring gold into the
kitty, he did! Thousands of ounces of it but not only did he create a religion
to which millions now adhere to and contribute millions to, he successfully
infiltrated the king’s dictatorship and managed to have it considered as a
tax-exempt business. I humbly and cheerfully lift my hat off to that man for
his genius.
The man and his religion did so well that he eventually
decided to build a large temple in order to gather all of his followers in one
place at convenient times. The more often that he gathered them and the more
people that there were to those gatherings equaled to only one, expected
result; more money was put in the kitty.
He, and eventually the high priests who followed him, was
able to raise so much gold that king Nebuchadnezzar II decided some five
hundred years BC to invade Jerusalem
in order to steal the treasure before destroying the temple. In the year
seventy A.D., the Romans who needed lots of money in order to build the
Coliseum, did exactly the same thing.
When you read the word “treasure” you know damn well that
that word means big, big amounts of money (gold). So for all of you who still
think that sex runs the world, I think that it’s time for you to believe that
religious money does.
© 2011 Jean-Paul Gosselin
Several years ago, the Catholic
Church required women to wear a head covering in order to enter the sanctuary.
One Sunday a lady arrived without her head covering. The priest informed her
that she couldn’t enter without it.
A few moments later, the lady
re-appeared wearing her blouse tied to her head. The shocked priest said:
"Madam, I cannot allow you to enter this holy place without your wearing a
"But Father, I have a divine
right," she claimed.
"Yes, I see. And your left one isn't bad
either, but you still must wear a blouse to enter *this* church!" he
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